chinese saying
There are 8 basic emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, anticipation, anger and disgust.
Each emotion has a polar opposite:
- Joy is the opposite of Sadness
- Fear is the opposite of Anger
- Surprise is the opposite of Anticipation
- Trust is the opposite of Disgust
Bewerten deine Kunden dich in den sozialen Netzwerken positiv? Teile diese tollen Storys mit anderen, und aus potentiellen werden treue Kunden.
- Joy & Trust = LOVE
- Trust & Fear = SUBMISSION
- Fear & Surprise = AWE
- Surprise & Sadness = DISAPROVAL
- Sadness & Disgust = REMORSE
- Anger & Anticipation = AGGRESSIVNES
- Anticipation & Joy = OPTIMISM
With the information above, we will now start our discovery to find something mythic and overwhelming. We will find something we are not looking for, our SERENDIPITY! We are focusing on enthusiasts joining our journey with - no fear!
Often, emotions have been shown as wheel and are based of Plutchik’s wheel of Emotions. Plutchik’s wheel of Emotions was originally published in American Scientist in 2001!
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